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The program offers film and TV studios a rebate incentive of up to 30 percent of a project’s production budget, or 30 percent of global marketing costs, capped at $300,000, provided they partner with Taiwanese talent or production companies, or include Taiwan elements in the finished story. Looking past the pandemic, TAICCA established in 2020 a new program titled “Taiwan’s International Co-funding Program” (TICP), to attract international collaborators to team up with the Taipei creative community once cross-border production was back underway.

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“We’re open-minded, which is a big advantage.” “As long as your film or story is specific to Chinese culture, or Asian culture in general, Taiwan is a really strong choice of location and production partner, because we have very few restrictions and social or political taboos,” Tang adds.

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'Peaky Blinders,' 'Ripper Street' Producer Joe Donaldson Signs First-Look Deal with All3Media

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