For example, during the height of the COVID-19 outbreak in China, overall sexual frequency declined among young people.Ĭonversely, in the United Kingdom, sexual activity increased in those who were in serious relationships compared to those who were casually dating during social lockdown. World events can also affect how often couples have sex. Couples may find it beneficial to schedule date nights and nurture their relationship. Life events: Work, familial responsibilities, and day-to-day responsibilities may result in people being tired and preoccupied.It is important for couples to maintain open communication to discuss their sexual needs. Relationship changes: As people are in a relationship for longer, it may become more routine.This can have an association with a person’s health and hormonal changes. Age: People may be more likely to have less sex as they age.Antidepressants can also decrease a person’s libido. Males with low testosterone may become less interested in sex. For example, people may experience hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. A person’s overall health: Medical conditions, medications, and other treatments can affect a person’s sex drive.Factors that can affect how often a couple has sex include: There will be times when couples have more or less sex than is typical for them.